Featured Interview | Patricia876
Creative Name: Patricia876
Real Name: Patsy Derrell
Social Media:
Brief Description of self: I would describe myself as a multitalented woman who loves to help out others.
Long Description of self: I’m 17 years old, I’m a screenwriter, Actress & singer! The reason why I like to create things to create stories is because I want to make people feel & I want people to be entertained!
Project Details: I’ve Written an animated Musical Film Called: Aiyana – A Native-American girl from the crow tribe(Aiyana) who is the daughter of an African-American mother & an English father & was stolen as a baby by a wicked sorcerer who forced Aiyana to live as a half-human, half-goddess. Now a teen, Aiyana needs to perform a rite of passage to save Mount Olympus along with her friend(Luna; The Queen Of The Moon) & Iyear(Aiyana’s Love interest), Along for the ride, Aiyana Must learn to use her superpowers to save the Greek & Native American people from the wicked mythological creatures made by Obra!
Medium & why: I use Writing & Visual Art to tell a story because With all the help I can get with my kickstarter, I can be very successful not just with myself, but with others!
Favorite part of the creation process: My favorite part of the creation process is the dialogue & The Development of the characters.
The most challenging part of the process: The Most challenging thing for me is the flow of the story
Inspiration: Several movies, TV shows & Mythology
Other creative influences: Write, Sing, Cook, Act
How creativity betters my life: It makes people feel, entertain & makes us have fun with doing something like crafting & painting.
Advice to other aspiring artists: Be who you are & don’t give up on what you really want to do!
Testimonial: “Be who are & what you are!” “You’re special & talented!”